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Memory services

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Here you can find out more about HSC's Memory Clinic pathway. The clinic aims to thoroughly assess, diagnose, treat and offer support to individuals who have ongoing memory problems.

  • I'm worried about my memory

    • We all forget things from time to time. We must be careful however to differentiate between normal forgetfulness and what may be symptoms of dementia.
    • Nowadays we are increasingly bombarded with information from various sources. It is almost impossible to process and store all of this information and it is easy to become distracted. Our short-term memory enables us to store about 5-7 pieces of 'working' information.
    • There are many reasons why memory problems may occur. Depression can present with symptoms very similar to dementia (slowness of thought, lethargy, diminished interest, concentration problems).
    • Medical conditions such as low thyroid function, anaemia, urine infections, electrolyte imbalance and vitamin deficiency can all affect memory. Certain medications and over-use of alcohol can also have a negative effect. Such conditions, in many cases are quite treatable and memory problems can resolve once addressed.
  • Memory Tips

    • Life can be very busy so here are some tips that can help you improve and organise your memory:
    • Keep socially active: Human beings are essentially social animals and social activity gives the brain a thorough workout. During social contact, one needs to be receptive, to words, body language, gestures and tone of voice. We then have to process this information and communicate back to them. All of this happens very quickly, often with a dash of humour and within accepted social norms which also gives the frontal lobe of the brain a challenge. Social activity can also lift our spirits, increase wellbeing and counteract loneliness, all of which can affect memory.
    • Minimise distractions: Focus on one task at a time. Finish one before moving on. Multitasking merely means the brain has to very quickly switch between one task and another, thus doing neither very well. Try to minimise clutter in the house or workplace as this is another cause for distraction.
    • Focus: Our brains can only remember a certain amount of information. Try to filter out unhelpful information and focus on the key messages you need to remember. Repeating it back to the person may help with clarification. Make notes if required. Make sure that your hearing and eyesight are tested regularly and that any visual or hearing aids are worn to ensure that communication is maximised.
    • Make associations: Try to make mental pictures to store information. Visual memory is more easily recalled than words alone. If for example you are introduced to somebody called Mark, perhaps picture him with a mark on his face. Molly could be pictured as Molly Malone wheeling her barrow, through streets broad and narrow. You don't have to tell them how you remember them!
    • Keep a diary: Whilst phones and electronic tablets can be a distraction they can also help us remain organised. Set up a shared calendar with a family member to give you reminders of what is happening that week. If you don't use electronic devices a diary works just as well. Get into the habit of writing appointments and reminders in it and keep it with you. The act of writing something down will help in itself. Perhaps keep a monthly planner by your home telephone so you can write messages down whilst on the phone.
    • Make a list: If you have many tasks to achieve make a list and cross things off as you undertake them. Most people depend on a shopping list.
    • Keep to routines: It's frustrating to lose items around the house. Try to get into the habit of placing important items in the same place. Hang keys on a hook after coming in. Consider using a cord to keep glasses around your neck, especially if you use more than one pair. Try to charge your phone in the same place every day which will reduce the amount of places it gets placed. Helpful routines can be developed such as taking your medication with your first cup of tea in the morning.
    • Sleep: It is difficult to function if we don't get enough sleep. If we are tired we will miss out on important information and memory will be affected. Don't fight sleep, go to bed when feeling tired and avoid using electronic devices whilst in bed. Avoid caffeine for several hours before going to bed. Adults should be aiming to get 7-8 hours' sleep every night.
    • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Your brain is 75% water and it takes only 2% dehydration to shrink brain tissue and cause a temporary loss of concentration and memory.
    • Diet: You wouldn't use cheap fuel in a fine sports car, so don't feed your brain with junk food.
    • Keep active: It is easy to get bogged down in day to day life to the point where we can't think clearly. Having a walk or some exercise is good for our circulation and gets the blood flowing to the brain. Having a walk is also calming and allows us a chance to relax, clear our mind, take in nature and generally improve wellbeing.
    • Look after your health: Keeping generally healthy can impact positively on memory. Physical health issues should not be ignored but should be investigated and treated by your GP.
    • Alcohol: Whilst alcohol in moderation can help us relax we should remember that alcohol is a depressant and it can impact negatively on memory. In excess it can cause long-standing memory problems. Some studies have shown that an occasional glass of red wine can be beneficial but we should still aim to have 3-4 days every week where we don't have any alcohol.
    • This link to Guernsey's Health Promotion site give more information on healthy living.
  • What will my GP do?

    • Your GP will ask you some questions about your memory and how this is affecting your daily life. The doctor may ask you to undertake a brief memory test.
    • Your doctor will want to undertake some basic blood tests. This is to find out if there are any treatable conditions that might be affecting your memory. You may be asked to have an ECG to check your heart rhythm. You may also be referred for a CT scan to see if there are any changes occurring in the brain that may be affecting your memory.
    • Your doctor should also ask you some brief questions about your mood. Depression can have symptoms very similar to dementia. It can slow up your thinking, cause you to forget things and affect your concentration. This may be quite treatable.
    • Once your doctor has received all the test results he/she may want to treat any medical causes that may be affecting your memory. The GP may then refer you for a more specialised assessment at the Memory Clinic. The doctor will ask your permission for this to occur.
  • What happens at the Memory Clinic?

    • Within about 2 weeks of receiving the referral, the Memory Clinic team secretary will send you an appointment to arrange a nurse to come and see you at home. A leaflet will be included which outlines the process of the memory assessment and advises that you have a family member present for support which is often helpful.
    • On the day of the home assessment the nurse will explain the process again and with your permission they will gather some background information about you which may involve speaking with a family member. The nurse will ask you about your daily activities and how your memory is affecting your daily life. The nurse will try to clarify how much you want to know about your condition in the case that a dementia diagnosis is evident. Some people prefer
    • The nurse will also want to undertake a memory assessment which takes about 30 minutes.
    • Once this assessment is complete your assessment will be presented and discussed at our wider team meeting, which includes various memory healthcare specialists. If a diagnosis is reached then that news will normally be communicated to you at home by the nurse that undertook the assessment or you may be offered an appointment to see a specialist doctor at the PEH who will discuss the test results with you and aim to explain the probable cause of your memory problem. Following diagnosis you may be offered the opportunity to try some medication to help your memory if you wish.
    • If you receive a diagnosis of dementia you will have the opportunity to discuss with the doctor or nurse what this means and the implications it may have for you in the future. We usually try to include your family member in these discussions so that they can offer you support and ask any questions they may have.
    • Your GP will be provided with all the information from the Memory Clinic and if you are prescribed medication it will eventually be added to your normal prescription which you collect from the GP practice.
  • What happens after I've been diagnosed with dementia?

    • If you receive a diagnosis, a member of the memory clinic will see you at home within 2 weeks afterwards. You may have questions you want to ask. You will be provided with information about your diagnosis and offered advice about support groups and practical help if needed. Post-diagnostic support will last for about 6 weeks, at which point you may be discharged from the clinic or offered ongoing support if required.
    • The memory service is in the process of setting up a Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) group at the Guernsey Alzheimer's Association. CST groups have been shown to be a good way to help stimulate your memory and to be able to come to terms with your diagnosis and perhaps get some tips on improving your memory. The groups are also fun and provide you with a chance to meet other people who may be coming to terms with the same memory problems.
    • Support groups are also helpful for any family caregiver or friends who support you.
    • If your family member or carer is struggling with coming to terms with the symptoms of dementia then they can be referred to the Admiral Nursing Service. This service comprises two dementia Specialist Nurses who provide specific tailored support for carers. Referral to this service can be from the memory clinic or from the carers GP.
    • A carer support group takes place at:
    • Guernsey Alzheimer's Association, Rue Des Monts, St. Sampson's every Wednesday from 2pm to 3:30pm. The support groups usually have a member of the OACMHT present to deliver a talk or to ask advice of.
    • More information on joining the groups can be had via the OACMHT secretary on 220000 ext 24272 or Guernsey Alzheimer's Association Tel: 01481 245121,;
    • Further support groups & advice can be accessed via the Alzheimer's Society's dementia support worker
    • Alzheimer's Society, Guernsey Office Tel: 01481 213367,
    • If you require ongoing support or advice you may be allocated to a member of the OACMHT or a Social worker. The key worker will be able to advise you on issues around benefits, support networks or about planning ahead for the future.


Memory Clinic Leaflet

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